It is often in your best interest to get people into your checkout experience through an intuitive navigation. This will result in conversions, and hopefully a higher bounce rate. Understanding navigation design will help you achieve this. If you’re familiar with online navigation, the navigation menu should be presented in a way that allows the user to easily find what they want and then gets them out of the way.

Although there are many different types of navigation on your website, the ideal is a common, useful navigation structure that is instantly recognizable and that the user can easily navigate to.

Ducks is an excellent example of an easy to use navigation menu that works. The menu has been designed to be easy to comprehend, understandable and add some personality to the site. You can follow Duck’s lead by following a few of the guidelines below.

Good navigation layout makes it easy for visitors to find what they need without needing a lot of scrolling

Visitors are confused when they see a long list of options

Visitors are confused when they see a large number of options

The “Next” icon is a small, easy-to-find icon on the main navigation, with a “Back” button on the left

Visitors are confused by a high number of options, so putting those options in a manageable and logical order will improve conversion rates

Content overviews that give an overview of the most popular categories (e.g. posts, posts about products, product reviews, etc.) will make the navigation more understandable

The site needs a central master navigation, so you can always view all the categories and images at once, and instantly get back to your primary focus

Navigation sources are easily identifiable so they’re not lost in a sea of other elements

The entire navigation screen is obvious to visitors so that the main content is easy to discover

The main content of the page is clear, complete and easy to understand, and will improve visitor productivity and site speed

It is easy to quickly pick up and discover how the site works (e.g. “what do I do now?”, “how can I buy that book?”)

Visitors can quickly start browsing, and getting them to the product section, product reviews or current news articles has minimal influence on visitor performance and conversion rates.

All the links are easily discoverable to the visitor so that they can easily learn more

Selecting the right page and its content is very straightforward, and there is minimal guesswork required on visitor landing pages

The sidebar is easy to find, and it can easily be accessed without having to leave the main page

Visitors are easily able to skip back and forth between different pages, and they can quickly jump to the main content for more in depth content.

These design characteristics are mainly intended to optimize the user’s browsing experience while on a website and to provide users with a fun and interactive experience.

To implement effective PPC strategy on your website, you need to experiment a little. If you haven’t had any luck with this strategy in the past, then perhaps you need to spend more time on the whole strategy. In most cases, sticking to the strategy is the best way to increase your traffic and conversion rates, increase your profits, and eventually deliver more profits.